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FSC regeneration black cardboard with FSC full wood pulp black paper

by:NEW BAMBOO PAPER     2020-11-06
FSC regeneration black cardboard with FSC total FSC wood pulp black cardboard difference between total environmental black wood pulp paper adopt wood pulp production raw material, used for high-end products, market is referred to as the FSC pure wood pulp black cardboard, FSC all-wood black cardboard, FSC full wood pulp environmental black cardboard, FSC neutral packing black cardboard FSC wood blade green black paperboard characteristics of all: PH value is neutral, wood pulp environmental protection dye, one hundred percent can be recycled, no pollution, paper smooth and no color difference, from the surface through the heart to the bottom of the same color, black raw material produced by full wood pulp production, high hardness, paper 'strong tension, waterproofing and insulation performance is good, the conventional gram weight is 80 g - More than 450 g, 500 g composite molding, regular size is positive and generous, drum conventional 787 mm, 889 mm wide, specification size can be tailor-made to call. Widely used in hand wan bags, tags elevator, stationery, books, DIY manual photo album, photo frame backplane, electronic gasket, speakers and various senior cosmetics box, shoes box, etc. FSC regeneration black paper is divided into: single can transparent card, can penetrate paperboard, grey, black FSC regeneration black paper oar filter materials made from recycled paper production and become, also belong to environmental protection cockiness can be recycled, blackness, paper is exquisite, good folding surface smooth, good stiffness, good tensile, burst degree is high, each batch production color difference degrees in more than 90%, cost-effective, recycled paper belongs to the environmental protection. Widely used in hand wan bags, tags elevator, stationery, books, DIY manual photo album, photo frame backplane, electronic gasket, speakers and various senior cosmetics box, shoes box, etc.
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