Professional grey board manufacturer.

Ministry recently issued for pulp and paper industry pollution prevention guidelines

by:NEW BAMBOO PAPER     2020-12-01
Environmental protection department has launched three industry pollution control technology policy guidelines, including the drinks wine manufacturing industry pollution control technology policy 'ship water pollution prevention and control technology policy feasible technical guide to the pulp and paper industry pollution prevention, to accelerate the construction of environmental technology management system, promote the pollution prevention technology progress, improve the environment quality. The pulp and paper industry pollution prevention feasible technical guide for pulp and paper industry industrial waste gas, waste water, solid waste and noise pollution prevention and control of feasible technology, including pollution prevention technology, pollution control and pollution prevention and control technology. With guidelines for the implementation of the technology, on the published < wood pulp and papermaking industry pollution prevention and feasible technical guide > announcement of three instructional technologies such as file shall be repealed simultaneously.
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